Our Pastor

Roger Greer has been our pastor for a year now. He has more than 30 years experience as a pastor and Christian broadcaster, including Focus on the Family. He reported on news impacting the family on 800 radio stations.

Roger’s preaching is down to earth and theologically conservative, and he is a mediocre juggler. They also help their son Jared with his ninja ministry, “Overcoming Obstacles,” which has seen over 4,000 professions of faith.

Roger has been married to Deborah for 44 years. They have three grown children and seven grandchildren. He loves classic cars, woodworking and following his wife through Hobby Lobby. But his greatest joy is seeing people commit their life to Jesus.




Our Services & Ministries

Our services on Sundays take place at the following times:

Sunday School: 9:45 am – Morning Worship: 10:50 am

On Wednesdays, we have Bible Studies that being at 6:00 pm

Our church has ministries available for adults, youth, and children. Come and join us!

Our Children’s Director

Our Children’s Director at Latexo Baptist Church is Angie Currie. From Angie:

“I have served as the children’s director at LBC since 2012! It has been such a blessing to serve with such a wonderful church family! Also, I have learned so much about Jesus from working with the kids.”

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. – Romans 6:23